MMVH World Cup Fiesta Leaderboard
To celebrate FIFA Women’s World Cup 2023™, we are pleased to announce the launch of our World Cup Fiesta challenge, where you’ll gain entries by buying World Cup 2023 essentials (Boots, Shirt or Crest) of the participating teams from the MMV Planet Football shop at 2161 Benecia Avenue, Century City, Los Angeles.
Start Date: July 29th, 1pm PT
End Date: Aug 21st, 11pm PT
Tazuni™ Map Asset Trophy: 1st on leaderboard
MMVM Speed Blitz track property in Happy Homes, Detroit + Silver MMVM Speed Blitz NFT: 2nd & 3rd on leaderboard
100,000 UPX: Giveaway among all participants.
50,000 UPX + MMVM Speed Blitz track property in Happy Homes, Detroit + Gold MMVM Speed Blitz NFT: Giveaway among all participants who bought at least one essential of the winning team of the tournament.
Both giveaways will be decided by wheel spins. The higher your number of entries, the higher your chance of winning!
How to earn entries?
1 entry for every essential purchase from MMV Planet Football. You can buy as many essentials as you want, of different teams if you wish, to maximize your number of entries and hence your chance of winning.
- Essentials for each team are priced according to the likelihood of the team winning the tournament. As the tournament progresses and teams advance to the next stages, the price of their essentials will increase. So, in football terms, better strike early and take the lead, and leave your opponents to chase you!
- Owing to the limit on the number of legits we can have on sale at the shop, you may not always find essentials of all participating teams. If you are looking for essentials of a specific team and they are not available at the shop, let us know on Discord and we’ll list them for you.
- If you are interested in buying an essential from the shop but you are not in LA and do not wish to travel, let us know and we’ll arrange for UPX transfer and a burner swap!
Good luck… and watch out for occasional specials during the event!